abstract art

Finding My Muse

Spent the last two two days finding and painting my Muse. It was a great workshop lead by Amy Lenharth. The first item of business was to relax and take a guided tour along a path in search of your Muse.  When I finally got to mine she looked exactly like the witch in the original animated Disney Snow White.   I wasn’t sure if i should laugh or cry.   For the next two days, each person present, painted their Muse.   The results were quite amazing.   My Muse is shown above. 

9-11-2001 Remembered


I painted this 3 days after 9-11.  The image that would not leave my head the absolute fear that color would never return to our lives. Thousands have been killed because of this event, no that should read hundreds of thousands have died.  They were American, Iraqis, Iranians, Syrians, Germans, Italians, English, Polish, Australian, Spanish and the list goes on and on.  And today all this time later we are still killing and being killed.  I wonder if this madness will end in my lifetime, in my nephew’s lifetime? How many generations of people must die.   If only I had a magic wand and could bring peace instead of war to the Mid-East.